Playtyme Creations (who has been previously reviewed on our blog, for doll diapers and reusable coffee filters) has branched out into a new product line.. Addie K's Clippies.
I was first sent this pretty blu
e and silver snowflake clip.. which i LOVE 'cause i'm a snowflake freak. :) Besides that though.. it felt a tad wobbly.. like it wasn't glued right, or it jut needed reinforcing?
Kiera was in the process of finding the right way to heat the glue for it to work well.

So just a bit ago, I was sent this second set of clips.. which is MUCH more sturdy.. and SOO pretty.
By jove, I think she's got it! ;)
The one thing I love most so far about this branch of her store is that all of her clips (that I can tell) are snap clips!
A lot of mama's use alligator clips, or others.. but snaps clips are rare to find in a WAHM store.. so i'm VERY GLAD of this fact.
That and the ribbon wrapping on each one make these great for any hair type.. ESPECIALLY fine hair (like mine) because regular clips tend to move around/slide.. and these stay put.
Very well priced.. quick to ship, and fun to customize. I definitely recommend this store.